ÂĐïļCopy Trading (beta)
We understand the complexity of copy trading using the current solutions on the market. Some of them are good in terms of UX but not that good with UI.
This is why we made the best UI/UX solution for copy trading! Here is a short walkthrough:
Below is the main screen, where you can manage all your positions, delete them, or create new ones

Here is the next step if you want to make a new position with the new wallet on a new chain.

After entering the address, you will see a page with all chains available for copy trading.

After choosing the chain, you can choose which asset you will use for trading. Currently supported assets include DAI, USDC, WETH, ETH, and USDT.

After choosing an asset, you can design your strategy in the menu

Remember, the minimal deposit for copy trading is $100!
Last updated